标签 Li Yanhong stepped down to Baidu Cloud Executive 下的文章

Recently, Baidu Cloud Computing Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. changed, and Baidu founder Li Yanhong stepped down as an executive director. At the same time, Liu Hui stepped down as the general manager and added Cui Shanshan as the general manager and executive director.

In addition, the legal representative of Baidu Cloud Computing Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. also changed, Liu Hui withdrew, and was replaced by Cui Shanshan.

Earlier, according to media reports, in March of this year, Baidu announced a new talent echelon construction plan, accelerated the process of cadre rejuvenation, and selected more 80, 90 young people to enter the management. At the same time, Baidu also officially launched the "executive retirement plan." On April 30, Baidu announced an internal mail announcement that Liu Hui recently joined the “Baidu Executive Retirement Plan” and will step down as Senior Vice President of Human Resources in May. Cui Shanshan will be fully responsible for Baidu's human resources work.

Cui Shanshan is one of Baidu’s “Seven Musketeers”. Returned to Baidu in December 2017 and served as Secretary General of the Baidu Culture Committee.

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