

Comparator<VO> bya = Comparator.comparing(VO::getAppId).reversed();//按照a升序
Comparator<VO> byb = Comparator.comparing(VO::getNum).reversed();//按照b降序


Collections.sort(resultlist,(a, b)->b.getNum().compareTo(a.getNum()));

On December 16, Huawei launched the beta version of Hongmeng OS 2.0 mobile phone system as scheduled. P40 and mate 30 series can apply to participate in the test, mainly for developers.

At the press conference, Huawei displayed Huawei mobile phones that have upgraded Hongmeng OS to demonstrate the features of Hongmeng OS. From the experience point of view, this mobile phone is not different from the current emui developed by Huawei based on Android in terms of operation habits and interface design. In addition, Android apps can be freely downloaded and run in the built-in Huawei app store.

Hongmeng OS official version

According to sina science and technology report, a field staff member said that the demonstration machine is only to show the distributed ability based on Hongmeng OS. The official version of Hongmeng OS in the future will definitely have a new interface design on mobile phones.
Many developers and media participating in the December 16 harmonyos 2.0 mobile phone developer beta event said that there are many differences between Hongmeng OS and Android system from the perspective of Huawei's relevant technical experts and on-site display functions.

According to Wang Chenglu, President of Huawei's consumer business software, "over the past five years, Huawei's software team has basically replaced the core parts of Android system From the underlying driver to the abstract layer of hardware, to the programming framework above Huawei, etc. We have changed everything we can.

Wang Chenglu has repeatedly stressed that Hongmeng OS was born not to replace Android, but to surpass Android and build the next generation operating system in the era of Internet of things

According to Xinhua news agency and others, some lunar samples collected by chang'e-5 were officially handed over. The lunar samples weighed 1731g. This also marks the beginning of China's first work on the storage, analysis and research of extraterrestrial objects, and the chang'e-5 mission has shifted from engineering implementation to scientific research.

chang'e-5 were officially handed over

The lunar samples brought back by chang'e-5 will be used for three purposes: first, scientific research; second, it will be displayed in the National Museum of Tibet for popular science education; third, according to international cooperation conventions and multilateral bilateral cooperation agreements, the lunar samples and data management measures will be shared with relevant scientists, and some samples may be sent as state gifts according to international practices.

There are many important roles in the study of lunar samples. It is of great significance to study the lunar surface interaction and lunar soil texture. The lunar sample stock is only 1731g, and part of the Lunar Sample for research purposes is unknown.
According to Zou Yongliao, director of the General Department of lunar and deep space exploration of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is of great significance to study the composition characteristics (rock type, mineral composition, chemical composition, etc.) of the sampling area, the interaction between lunar surface materials and solar wind, and the pedogenic mechanism of lunar soil.
In addition, according to the actual composition characteristics, if the collected samples are or produced from ancient plagioclase materials, it is also of great scientific value for the study of the early history of the moon; if the collected samples have or come from the basalt of the moon sea, it is of great value to the study of the lunar volcanism and even the thermal history; if the collected samples have the composition of impact breccia, they are of great scientific value to the study of the early history of the moon It is of great value to study the impact effect of the ball.

Good news in the morning! At 1:59, the lunar exploration project chang'e-5, carrying lunar samples, landed at Siziwang Banner landing site in central Inner Mongolia, marking the successful completion of China's first mission of sampling and returning extraterrestrial objects.

At about 1:00 a.m., Beijing aerospace flight control center injected high-precision navigation parameters into the chang'e-5 orbiter and reentry vehicle combination through the ground TT & C station. After that, the orbiter and the reentrant are usually unlocked and separated from the South Atlantic sea level at an altitude of about 5000 km, and then the orbiter completes the evasion as planned.

chang'e-5 landing

At 1:33 a.m., chang'e-5 entered the earth's atmosphere at a speed close to the second universe speed (about 11.2 kilometers per second), about 120 kilometers above the ground, and performed the first aerodynamic deceleration. After falling to a predetermined height, the retractor jumps out of the atmosphere and begins to slide downward after reaching the highest point. After that, the reentrant enters the atmosphere again and performs a second aerodynamic deceleration. When it descends to a height of about 10 km above the ground, the retractor opens the parachute to complete the final deceleration and maintain a stable attitude, and then lands smoothly in the predetermined area. The technicians who are responsible for the measurement, control and recovery of the search and recovery tasks will find the targets in time and carry out the recovery work in an orderly manner.

On December 3, the lifter ignited and took off and entered the orbit precisely. The rendezvous, docking and sample transfer with the orbiter and the reentrant assembly were completed on December 6. After that, separation and controlled lunar landing were carried out as planned. From December 12 to 16, the combination of the orbiter and the reentry vehicle separated from the orbiter and returned to earth on December 17 after completing two monthly earth transfer incident and two orbit corrections.

According to the plan, the recovered chang'e-5 reentrant will be airlifted to Beijing to open the cabin after completing the necessary ground treatment work, and take out the sample container and cargo. The National Space Administration will hold a handover ceremony at the right time and formally hand over the lunar samples to the ground application system. The first work related to the storage, analysis and research of extraterrestrial objects in China will also be started.


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