
The Chinese scientific research team recently published a paper online in the United States "Science" magazine that they found two human monoclonal antibodies that can effectively block the infection of the new coronavirus, which is expected to be used in the development of anti-new crown drugs and vaccines.

Many units including the Capital Medical University of China, the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Third People's Hospital of Shenzhen participated in this study.

The researchers isolated four human monoclonal antibodies from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a newly rehabilitated patient.

new coronavirus

Experiments show that these four antibodies have the ability to neutralize the new coronavirus. Among them, two antibodies called B38 and H4, respectively, can block the binding of the receptor binding domain of the new crown virus spike protein and its receptor "Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2)".

A number of previous studies that revealed the infection mechanism of the new coronavirus have shown that the virus mainly achieves infection through the binding of its spike protein receptor binding domain to ACE2 on human cells.

Experiments have shown that B38 and H4 respectively recognize different epitopes of the receptor binding domain. Mouse experiments confirmed that these two antibodies can reduce the amount of virus infecting the lungs of mice, showing a therapeutic effect. The two antibodies can also be used in combination to more effectively suppress viral infections.

The research team further analyzed the structure of the complex formed by the new crown virus spike protein receptor binding region and B38, thus revealing the molecular mechanism of B38 blocking viral infection.

Researcher Introduction

The latest research shows that the two antibodies screened have the potential to be further developed into new coronavirus infection drugs, and provide a basis for vaccine design. At present, the two antibodies have been transformed into products by related companies, and are expected to be used for clinical treatment of patients with new crowns in the future.

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五一小长假期间,微信支付线下消费总额较 3 月环比增长 30%,目前已恢复并超过去年 12 月的消费水平。微信电子消费券也在全国开花,假期 3 天带动消费 9 亿元,40 岁以上的人群贡献过半消费力。

5月15日消息 小米似乎正准备推出一款新的安卓电视棒——小米TV Stick,该产品已经现身国外零售商Gearbest网站。

外观方面,小米电视棒就像一个U盘,外形紧凑,提供标准 HDMI 2.0 和 USB Type-C 接口,前者用于音画传输,后者用于供电。
小米TV Stick

配置方面,小米电视棒似乎跟小米Box S电视盒子有着相同的性能,这意味着它配备了 Amlogic S905(这次是 Y2 版本)四核处理器,Mali-G31 GPU,2GB RAM 和 8GB 存储空间。另外,它还将支持 4K HDR,支持杜比和 DTS HD 双解码。

但上述配置的真实性还有待证实,因为列表中提到HDMI 2.0的部分也将该设备称为“ Mi Box S”,这意味着该配置可能只是先前设备的复制和粘贴,用来占位。

小米电视棒的价格显示为 79.99 美元(约合 568 元),当然这也可能是占位,预计这款产品将会专供海外市场.

May 15th News The US Department of Commerce announced that it will extend Huawei's temporary license for another 90 days and postpone until August 13, 2020.

Since May 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce has included Huawei on the list of entities for national security reasons. However, the department has subsequently extended the temporary licensing restrictions several times. Prior to this, the US Department of Commerce had extended it to May 15, 2020.

huawei temporary license

It has previously been reported that the US Department of Commerce ’s Bureau of Industry and Security has extended Huawei ’s temporary General Permit four times, which authorizes certain limited transactions in transactions involving export, re-export and transfer. According to the provisions of the "Export Management Regulations", Huawei and its non-U.S. Branches are provided with items subject to the entity list.

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