
下方代码在ios13 中会崩溃

//[ self.contentTextField setValue:KRGBColor(154, 154, 154, 1.0) forKeyPath:@"_placeholderLabel.textColor"];
//[ self.contentTextField setValue:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:13.0] forKeyPath:@"_placeholderLabel.font"];
//UITextField *textfield = [[UITextField alloc]init];


NSMutableAttributedString *arrStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:self.contentTextField.placeholder attributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : KRGBColor(154, 154, 154, 1.0),NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:13.0]}];
self.contentTextField.attributedPlaceholder = arrStr;


MIUI 12在动画设计上十分下功夫,从底层技术开始自研重构,完成了一套焕然一新、极其先进的技术架构“米柚光锥动效架构”,包含动画引擎、渲染引擎、插画引擎,号称第一次让安卓系统的动画特效与iOS不相上下。





  目前谷歌已经在全力测试 Android 11 了,而下个月他们就要针对更多的机型发布公测版本,相比上一代系统来说,新系统在 UI 界面上还是有一些变化的。

  据外媒报道称,从目前已知的情况是,Andorid 11 Preview 3 测试版系统中,谷歌对新系统的多任务界面已经改造完毕,调整之后新的多任务管理页面会显示更大的 App 卡片,这点大家应该不会陌生,iOS 以及一众国产 ROM 都是这个显示方式。

android11 快速截屏 多任务交互

  此外,谷歌还为 App 卡片加入了撤销操作(仅有最近一个被清理的应用程序可恢复,并且清理和恢复操作之间不能有其他操作),就是你不小心滑掉关闭了 App 卡片,是可以在刚滑去后接着向下把它滑回来。

  还应该注意的是,在 Android 11 中,谷歌还首次加入了快速截屏,现在多任务管理界面的底部中,已经有这两个功能的出现,这样对于 5 寸屏左右的手机来说,单手操作应该极为方便。

  谷歌要求 Android 11 设备必须使用A/B分区,以便支持无缝更新,这样做可以大幅降低设备更新变砖、死机的几率。

android11 正式版发布日期

android11 正式版 什么时候发布

After the P40 was released in China, Yu Chengdong said in an interview with the media that this phone no longer has Google's stuff, and Huawei phones can use American devices because they have completely replaced them.

The above remarks caused widespread concern, and some people even questioned Yu Chengdong's bragging. In the latest interview, Ren Zhengfei was asked this question. He said that Yu Chengdong did not brag about it, and it was OK to use American spare parts.

However, Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei does not use American parts, what if others do not buy it. Android and Apple's operating system sales are huge in the world, and consumers are already familiar with these two operating systems. Huawei is a latecomer, and it is difficult for consumers to recognize our operating system. Therefore, it may take a long time for Huawei's operating system to surpass the operating systems of Android and Apple, but it will not exceed 300 years.

Ren Zhengfei bluntly, Huawei has a very friendly relationship with Google and Apple. Although our mobile phones are not equipped with Android systems, Samsung and other brands of mobile phones are available. Our 5G base stations are sold worldwide. Apple, Samsung and other brands of mobile phones use our base stations With ecology. We want to thank Apple and Android. 5G performance has been well played, which is equivalent to helping us. Android is doing us a favor, and Apple is doing us a favor too. If they don't have their ecology, what's the use of our base station?

Therefore, Huawei's operating system does not have vicious competition, just saying that when others do not give us a way out. Our operating system has only just begun, the Android ecosystem has 2.8 million apps, and our ecosystem has tens of thousands, with a huge gap. Of course, our system is post-developed and will have some advantages, but the advantages must be recognized after the consumer experience.

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