
1 月 12 日消息 今天,英特尔正式发布了 11 代酷睿 H35 处理器,4 核 8 线程,睿频可达 5GHz。联想小新官方现已发布预热海报,称小新 Pro 系列轻薄本即将搭载英特尔全新酷睿标压处理器。
11 代酷睿 H35 处理器

英特尔新款代 H35 处理器系列将 TDP 限制在了 35W,型号有 Core i5-11300H、Core i7-11370H和特别版 Core i7-11375H。

i7-11375H:4核8线程,3.3-5.0GHz,12MB三级缓存,28-35W TDP
i7-11370H:4核8线程,3.3-4.8GHz,12MB三级缓存,28-35W TDP
i5-11300H:4核8线程,3.1-4.4GHz,8MB三级缓存,28-35W TDP
i7-11375H 特别版处理器是英特尔Turbo Boost Max 3.0 的性能最高的型号,可提供高达 5GHz 的 Turbo 频率。该系列处理器 支持PCIe 4.0 技术,可直接连接到CPU,为独显提供更高的带宽。新一代的处理器还支持Intel Killer Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+)技术,可体验无阻碍的 Wi-Fi 游戏。

11 代酷睿 H35 处理器

英特尔刚刚发布了 11 代酷睿 H(35W)处理器,最高型号 i7-11375H 为 4 核 8 线程,睿频高达 5GHz。单线程较 10 代酷睿标压提升了 15%、较 11 代酷睿 U 系列提升了 9%,比 15W 的第 11 代 Tiger Lake 提供高达 40% 的多线程 CPU 性能,并将第 10 代 H 系列的图形性能提高一倍以上。

另据小米官方消息,全新 RedmiBook Pro 将首批搭载第 11 代英特尔酷睿处理器高性能移动版,RedmiBook Pro 是 Redmi 品牌全新轻薄本产品,新品即将在下个月发布。

1 月 11 日消息 百度宣布正式组建一家智能汽车公司,以整车制造商的身份进军汽车行业。吉利控股集团将成为新公司的战略合作伙伴。双方将基于吉利最新研发的浩瀚 SEA 智能进化体验架构,在智能汽车制造相关领域展开紧密合作,共同打造下一代智能汽车。


新组建的百度汽车公司将面向乘用车市场,着眼于智能汽车的设计研发、生产制造、销售服务全产业链,传承百度的人工智能、互联网科技基因,利用 Apollo 自动驾驶能力,发挥在汽车智能化领域长达 8 年的经验优势,重塑智能汽车产品形态,要做智能出行时代的变革者。

百度汽车公司独立于母公司体系,保持自主运营;同时百度将人工智能、Apollo 自动驾驶、小度车载、百度地图等核心技术全面赋能汽车公司,支持其快速成长。

下一步双方将基于吉利最新研发的全球领先纯电动架构 -- 浩瀚 SEA 智能进化体验架构,在智能汽车制造相关领域展开紧密合作,共同打造下一代智能汽车。


On January 9, Beijing time, the State Council’s Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism held a press conference. Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission, said that so far, my country has carried out nearly 9 million doses of new coronavirus vaccination, proving that my country's new coronavirus vaccine has good safety. In the next step, we will comprehensively and orderly promote the vaccination of high-transmission groups, high-risk groups and the general population, and implement free vaccination for all. Li Tao, deputy director of the National Medical Security Administration, said that the cost of vaccination will be borne by the medical insurance fund and finance, and residents will not bear the cost.

Sinopharm China Biosciences has started the large-scale production of the new crown vaccine. Each dose of vaccine has an electronic ID card that traces the flow of the vaccine throughout. Where the vaccine reaches and who is vaccinated will be recorded.

It is understood that the new crown vaccine packaging is divided into light inspection, rotary rod labeling, boxing, weighing, and coding systems to ensure the quality and safety of the vaccine.

Yang Xiaoming, Chairman of Sinopharm Group China Biotechnology, introduced that the regulatory code is equivalent to the "electronic ID card" of vaccines, which is divided into three levels: each vaccine is individually coded, every 10 vaccines is composed of a medium package code, and contains multiple medium packages The large package and then code.

Through the supervision code, you can check whether the vaccine production, warehousing, storage, delivery, transportation and other processes meet the standards, and track the person receiving the injection.

The size of my country's new crown vaccine market may be nearly 100 billion

China Securities Investment said that at this stage, orders for the new crown vaccine have been placed. According to the order volume, the country’s penetration rate is calculated. The United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union of four countries and Japan are respectively 100%, 100%, 65% and 100%. Taking into account the epidemic situation in my country Stable, but the world is still in the pandemic stage and my country is accompanied by repeated regional epidemics. It is estimated that the penetration rate of my country's new crown vaccine is generally assumed to be 60%, and the corresponding market size is about 84 billion yuan.

According to the agency, according to my country’s current clinical trial phase of the new crown vaccine project, according to the existing design capacity limit is about 1.8 billion doses, which can meet the demand of 900 million people. Considering the time required for the release of production capacity of some enterprises, it will be available in a short time. There are still gaps in the supply of new crown vaccine projects to the domestic and developing markets.

根据新华社的消息,有“中国天眼”之称的 500 米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)将于 2021 年 4 月 1 日正式对全球科学界开放,8 月 1 日起分配观测时间,预计分配给国外科学家的观测时间约占 10%。

china fast 中国天眼

500 米口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope)利用贵州喀斯特地区的洼坑作为望远镜台址建造的世界第一大单口径射电望远镜,其拥有 30 个标准足球场大的接收面积。FAST 作为世界最大的单口径望远镜,将在未来 20 至 30 年保持世界一流地位。全新的设计思路,加之得天独厚的台址优势,使其突破了望远镜的百米工程极限,开创了建造巨型射电望远镜的新模式。

去年 11 月公布的数据显示,中国天眼 FAST 已发现脉冲星数量超过 240 颗,基于 FAST 数据发表的高水平论文达到 40 余篇。

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