
据外媒 Engadget 消息,戴尔 XPS 13 Plus 笔记本现已在海外开卖,售价 1299 美元(约 8534.43 元人民币)起,还将可选 Ubuntu 版本,售价 1249 美元(约 8205.93 元人民币)起。

在 CES 上,戴尔发布了新款 XPS 13 Plus 笔记本,搭载了英特尔 12 代酷睿,还采用了无边式触控板。

XPS 13 Plus

戴尔 XPS 13 Plus 将提供铂金和石墨色两种颜色选择,重 1.24 公斤。XPS 13 Plus 的键盘和触摸板采用了新的设计。功能键换为电容式按键,键盘键帽更大,1 毫米键程。触控板换为无缝玻璃“Forcepad”,提供无边界的触觉反馈。

XPS 13 Plus 搭载 13.4 英寸屏幕,可选 1920x1200 到 3840x2400 分辨率。配置方面,XPS 13 Plus 搭载 28 W 版本的 Intel Alder Lake-P 处理器,可选 i5-1240P、i7-1260P、i7-1270P 和 i7-1280P;可选 32 GB 的 128 bit 双通道 LPDDR5-5200 内存以及高达 2 TB 的 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe SSD。

散热方面,XPS 13 Plus 提供更大的风扇,可在不增加噪音的情况下增加最高 55% 的气流。

接口方面,XPS 13 Plus 只有两个全速 Thunderbolt 4 端口。


在UML类图中,常见的有以下几种关系:泛化(Generalization), 实现(Realization),关联(Association),聚合(Aggregation),组合(Composition),依赖(Dependency)

UML类图示例图 高清图


On April 25, according to CCTV news, yesterday was the seventh China Space Day. As of now, the Chang'e-4 lander and Yutu-2 lunar rover, which are performing missions on the far side of the moon, are in good condition. Among them, the Yutu-2 lunar rover is dormant on the 41st moon night, with a cumulative mileage of 1142.387 meters.

China's Yutu-2 lunar

On Mars, the Zhurong rover has traveled more than 1.9 kilometers, and the Tianwen-1 orbiter is also carrying out orbital exploration around Mars, and will soon achieve global coverage of Mars. At present, the two devices are in good condition, and a large amount of scientific detection data has been obtained.

Our own Tianshanggongque, the Chinese space station, will also complete its on-orbit construction this year. The combination of the Tianhe core module and the Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft currently in space is in normal condition and the on-orbit operating parameters are stable.

Yutu-2 is a lunar rover for the Chang'e-4 mission. It separated from the Chang'e-4 lander at 22:22 on January 3, 2019, and arrived at the back of the moon. The first landing on the back of the moon has become another milestone in the development of China's aerospace industry.

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