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1、使用update-java-alternatives -l查看目前已经安装在系统里的Java版本
$ update-java-alternatives -l

2.sudo update-alternatives --config java 设置默认java版本
~$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_265"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_265-8u265-b01-0ubuntu2~20.04-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.265-b01, mixed mode)

创建linux ios镜像时提示下载ldlinux.sys和ldlinux.bss

ldlinux.sys和ldlinux.bss 下载链接


日期目录以双击rufus-xxx.exe文件后,rufus_filessyslinux-6.04 自动生成的文件夹为准。


返回Rufus-xxx目录,双击rufusxxx.exe,再次创建linux ios启动盘即可OK。


直接下载压缩包,解压根目录,运行里面的rufus-XXX.exe即可。链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/116_ifQTboHJ0reXwa7NeyA 提取码: jvdu

The People's Liberation Army launched two missiles into the South China Sea yesterday (26th) morning, one of which is the Dongfeng 21D aircraft carrier killer anti-ship missile. This move is to warn the United States.

On Tuesday, the U.S. U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance plane once broke into the no-fly zone for live-fire exercises in the northern theater of the People's Liberation Army, prompting the Chinese Ministry of Defense to protest, saying that the United States was provoking. Yesterday the People's Liberation Army conducted a test-fire of anti-ship ballistic missiles in the South China Sea, and the US military dispatched reconnaissance planes to conduct reconnaissance.

two missiles DF

The report pointed out that the PLA launched Dongfeng 26B and Dongfeng 21D missiles, intended to warn the United States. The two missiles were launched from Qinghai and Zhejiang, respectively, towards the sea between Hainan Province and the Paracel Islands.

Previously, the Hainan Maritime Safety Administration had announced that it would conduct military training in the waters southeast of Hainan Island from the 24th to the 29th, and both missiles fell into the exercise prohibited zone.

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