小任班长 发布的文章

今天开始,微信支付摇免单正式上线。在“微信支付商家消费券”小程序领券并消费后,就可以获得,最高可获得 200 元的摇免单机会。

注意摇免单分三步:1、领券 2、消费 3、摇一摇,必须消费后才能摇一摇。

获得免单奖励就意味着这笔已支付款项,将立即返还至你的微信支付“零钱”账户。一次没摇到也没关系,除了免单大奖还有机会获得到店红包,每天 3 次机会。


微信支付摇一摇免单正式上线:每天 3 次最高 200 元

昨天,微信联合中国信通院发布了《2019-2020 微信就业影响力报告》,据微信“码上经济课题组”测算,2019 年,微信生态带来的码上经济规模达到 8.58 万亿元,约占我国 GDP(99.0865 万亿元)的9%。

五一小长假期间,微信支付线下消费总额较 3 月环比增长 30%,目前已恢复并超过去年 12 月的消费水平。微信电子消费券也在全国开花,假期 3 天带动消费 9 亿元,40 岁以上的人群贡献过半消费力。

5月15日消息 小米似乎正准备推出一款新的安卓电视棒——小米TV Stick,该产品已经现身国外零售商Gearbest网站。

外观方面,小米电视棒就像一个U盘,外形紧凑,提供标准 HDMI 2.0 和 USB Type-C 接口,前者用于音画传输,后者用于供电。
小米TV Stick

配置方面,小米电视棒似乎跟小米Box S电视盒子有着相同的性能,这意味着它配备了 Amlogic S905(这次是 Y2 版本)四核处理器,Mali-G31 GPU,2GB RAM 和 8GB 存储空间。另外,它还将支持 4K HDR,支持杜比和 DTS HD 双解码。

但上述配置的真实性还有待证实,因为列表中提到HDMI 2.0的部分也将该设备称为“ Mi Box S”,这意味着该配置可能只是先前设备的复制和粘贴,用来占位。

小米电视棒的价格显示为 79.99 美元(约合 568 元),当然这也可能是占位,预计这款产品将会专供海外市场.

May 15th News The US Department of Commerce announced that it will extend Huawei's temporary license for another 90 days and postpone until August 13, 2020.

Since May 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce has included Huawei on the list of entities for national security reasons. However, the department has subsequently extended the temporary licensing restrictions several times. Prior to this, the US Department of Commerce had extended it to May 15, 2020.

huawei temporary license

It has previously been reported that the US Department of Commerce ’s Bureau of Industry and Security has extended Huawei ’s temporary General Permit four times, which authorizes certain limited transactions in transactions involving export, re-export and transfer. According to the provisions of the "Export Management Regulations", Huawei and its non-U.S. Branches are provided with items subject to the entity list.

On May 14, a reporter from CCTV interviewed Ran Chengqi, director of China Satellite Navigation System Management Office. Ran Chengqi said that China plans to launch the last Beidou satellite next month, which is also the "end star" of China's Beidou-3 system. The last satellite of the Beidou-3 system to be launched is a geostationary satellite. Prior to this, China's Beidou system has provided services to the world.

Ran Chengqi, Director of the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office: Our Beidou (No. 3 system) has a total of 30 satellites, and now has 29 satellites, and the last satellite. At present, both the satellite and the rocket have entered the launch site, and we are preparing for the pre-launch work, which is expected to be implemented as planned.

Beidou No.3 system is the third step of the construction of Beidou satellite navigation system in China. After completion, it will provide services to the whole world. After the successful launch of the satellite to be launched next month, it will be officially put into operation after a period of on-orbit operation.

China's Beidou launch

Ran Chengqi, Director of the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office: After the launch of this satellite, at an appropriate time this year, we will announce the completion of the global system and provide all of our Beidou services, including basic services such as this, as well as high precision Service, Beidou short message service, etc., we will have a comprehensive service opening, will also bring new highlights to the world satellite navigation.

华为应用商店绿标 3.0

华为应用商店将于近日全面上线绿标 3.0,取代之前的绿标 2.0,此一次的绿标将较之前更加严格,以进一步确保商店内的应用在安全隐私、权限管理、性能、功耗、稳定性各方面更加出色。

  软件绿色联盟目前已经对 TOP1000 国内主流应用进行了摸底测试,就现在来看,达到绿标 3.0 标准的只有 34%,包括之前一些符合绿标 2.0 标准的应用也将被取消绿标。

  据悉,应用不达标最大的问题还是出在安全标准上,仅有 56% 的应用达到绿标 3.0 的安全标准,其中最普遍的问题是“过度申请高危权限和隐私违规”。

  在兼容性方面,绿标 3.0 也更加严格,新增了恶意行为检测、非 SDK 调用、安装行为检测等条目,这使得应用的兼容性达标率只有 70%。

  如果没有通过绿标 3.0,意味着在华为应用市场里,这些应用将不会被标注绿标,用户在看了之后会提高警惕,并在有绿标的应用中做选择,变相使其失去用户。
  绿标 3.0

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