小任班长 发布的文章

-- ①查看产生死锁的表:
select request_session_id spid,OBJECT_NAME(resource_associated_entity_id) tableName
from sys.dm_tran_locks where resource_type='OBJECT'
-- 其中spid表示锁表的进程,tableName表示被锁的表名。

-- ②“杀死”死锁进程:
kill spid

At the P30 series of national bank conferences in April, Huawei announced the revolutionary “Ark Compiler”, which significantly improved performance through architecture-level optimization, especially the implementation of machine code throughout the process, running applications efficiently, and completely solving Android applications. Inefficiency caused by "execution".

Huawei claims that the Ark compiler can improve system operation fluency by 24%, system response speed by 44%, and third-party applications can be improved by 60% after recompilation!

Not only that, Yu Chengdong announced at the time that the Huawei Ark compiler will open source to the industry and appeal to APP developers and developers to use it as soon as possible.

At the China Open Source Summit 2019 held in Shanghai, Xiao Ran, vice president of Huawei's strategy and industry development, said that the Huawei Ark compiler will be officially open source in August this year.

Xiao Ran said that the majority of partners and application developers can join the "Ark of Friends Circle" together, "we work together to build a terminal ecological ark to build a fair, open, healthy and win-win global ecosystem."

It is understood that the Huawei Ark compiler is from Huawei Ark Lab, which was developed by Zhou Zhide, the world's top editor and authoritative expert. It took nearly 10 years to build.

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Process ID: 0
Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0


export ORACLE_SID=xxxx --设置实例
echo $ORACLE_SID --查看当前实例


lsnrctl status


树莓派4 配置如下:
1、采用四核 64 位的 ARM Cortex-A72 架构 CPU,型号为博通 BCM2711 SoC,主频达 1.5GHz,与上一代相比性能提升 3 倍。

2、可选 1G、2G 或 4G 的 LPDDR4 内存。


4、双频 802.11ac 无线网络

5、蓝牙 5.0 技术

6、配备了两个 USB 3.0 和两个 USB 2.0 端口

7、支持双显示器,分辨率高达 4K

8、VideoCore VI GPU,支持 OpenGL ES 3.x

9、支持硬件解码 4K60p 的 HEVC 视频


与上一代产品树莓派 3B+ 相比,有直接且明显的提升。


RAM Retail price
1GB $35
2GB $45
4GB $55



现在的浏览器打开1-2个标签就耗费600+M 内存,低配电脑伤不起哈。试了其他几种,如遨游、世界之窗等,要么有点兼容性不好,要么新版本资源占用也很高,后来发现360极速浏览器8.5还不错,关键是找到了官方下载链接,使用起来也安全放心

8.5 版本最大的变化是我们升级到了Chromium 45 内核。而45内核最大的变化就是对 HTTP/2 标准和 Javascript ES6 标准的支持。

HTTP/2是下一代的超文本传输协议的最新标准,这是时隔16年,互联网最重要最基础的通用传输协议做的一次重大更新。新协议摒弃了 HTTP 1.0 冗余,低效,高负载和安全性弱的缺点,做了很多底层架构的改革和创新。最大的特点就是消息多路复用,HEAD头压缩,服务器推送机制和消息优先级排序等特性,这些特性将极大的改善用户的网络访问速度。


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