小任班长 发布的文章


用户进入添加银行卡页面后,点击下方小字 “免输卡号快速添加”,只需要刷脸 + 输入验证码,就可以把银行卡绑到自己的微信上。


微信 8 月下旬表示,工商银行卡线下开户时可以一键绑定微信支付。

彼时,用户在工商银行新上线的智能设备上完成开卡或卡片激活后,点击 “一键绑卡”并使用微信扫一扫绑卡二维码,输入支付密码并确认信息后根据操作提示就能完成绑定。

   Since 2011, the Australian branch of the Swedish Space Research Center has signed a cooperation agreement with China, agreeing to let a satellite station in the country provide support for China's space exploration science projects.

   But the center recently announced that they will not renew the contract with China after the contract expires.

Australian satellite station stop serving China

   According to Reuters, this satellite station owned by the Australian branch of the Swedish Space Research Center (SSC) is located in Western Australia, Australia. Since 2011, this satellite station named Yatharagga has signed a cooperation agreement with China, and provided technical support to the Chinese Shenzhou 10 spacecraft in 2013.

However, the center recently stated in an email to the media that the Chinese market has become complicated due to the geopolitical situation, so the center has decided to focus on other markets in the next few years, and will not focus on China. Continue to renew after the expiration of the contract.

   However, the center did not disclose when their contract with China will expire. Australian officials and Chinese officials have not yet responded to Reuters interviews on the matter.

   On the other hand, judging from the Reuters report on the incident, the Western media seems to think that the incident may be Australia's help in fighting China.

It is worth noting that this "Yatharagga" satellite station is in close proximity to another "Dongara" satellite station. The latter is owned by the US branch of the Swedish Space Research Center and is exclusively provided for US government agencies including NASA and other commercial partners. service.

   It is understood that the space tracking station mainly refers to the satellite ground station that establishes contact with the spacecraft, and will provide multiple technical support such as telemetry, tracking, and command for the spacecraft to and from space. my country successfully completed the space docking test of the Shenzhou 10 mission in June 2013, with the help of SSC's Australian Space Tracking Station. This shows that the resources invested by China in renting ground stations have paid off.

   In fact, China's satellite ground station technology is also very strong. Among them, the remote sensing satellite, as a member ground station of the International Resource Satellite Ground Station Network, ranks first in the number of satellite signals received and processed by the global ground station. Just add more ground stations, the satellite signal accuracy will be more accurate.

  经过大半年的迭代与完善,今天 GitHub CLI 已经成功从 beta 版升级为 1.0 正式版,可供所有用户使用。

  GitHub CLI 让开发者在终端里使用命令行(CLI)管理代码项目,不必打开网页,工作效率更高。

GitHub CLI

  GitHub 在官方博客中表示,自年初发布测试版以来,用户使用 GitHub CLI 创建了超过 25 万个拉取请求,执行超过 35 万个合并,创建超过 2 万个问题。

  GitHub CLI 现已支持:

在终端里处理各种 GitHub 工作流,包括从处理问题到发布软件包;

调用 GitHub API 编写几乎所有动作的脚本,并为任何命令设置自定义别名;

除 GitHub.com 之外,CLI 还能连接到 GitHub 企业服务。

  从今以后,开发者只需输入gh命令,就可以快速签出拉取请求、查看提交代码差异、查询 bug 问题详细信息等。



9 月 19 日消息 今天,联想公布了 YOGA 笔记本的新款 PD 适配器,预计 11 代酷睿产品将会搭载。

联想 YOGA 新款 PD

联想 YOGA 新款 PD 适配器采用了一体式设计,线长 1.8 米。在此之前,联想方面还表示,今年有部分轻薄的产品会采用这种适配器。相比之下,联想之前的 PD 充电器为三段式 3PIN 设计。

联想 YOGA 新款 PD

在小米 10 发布会上,雷军呼吁笔记本行业全部换成手机的 65W 充电器。之后联想集团平板电脑事业部高级产品经理 @林林 - 一枝小白兔 在微博评论中表示,联想三头的充电器和小米 65W 手机充电器各有所长,不能一棍子打死。现在来说,更加小巧的2 PIN 充电器更加符合轻薄本用户的需求。

9 月 18 日,美国商务部发声明,将禁止应用程序软件 TikTok 和Wechat 的有关交易,其中涉及多项内容,包括了自本周日(9 月 20 日)起禁止在美国境内下载 TikTok 和 WeChat 这两款应用程序,以及禁止 WeChat 在美国境内提供转移资金或处理支付的任何服务。

TikTok 和 WeChat

也就是说,按照当前的美国政府计划,不出意外本周日以后,TikTok 和 WeChat 将在美国境内封禁,包括但不仅限于从美国的 App Store 下架。

在声明中,美国商务部表示自 2020 年 9 月 20 日起禁止以下行为:

  1. 通过美国的在线移动应用程序商店发布或维护 WeChat 或 TikTok 移动应用程序、其组成代码或应用程序更新的任何服务;
  2. 通过 WeChat 移动应用程序提供的任何用于在美国境内转账或处理付款的服务。

对于 WeChat,截至 2020 年 9 月 20 日;对于 TikTok,截至 2020 年 11 月 12 日。以下交易将被禁止 :

  1. 在美国提供任何互联网托管服务,以支持移动应用程序的功能或优化;
  2. 在美国提供任何内容分发的网络服务,以支持移动应用程序的运行或优化;
  3. 在美国境内直接签约或安排的互联网传输或对等服务,以实现移动应用程序的功能或优化;
  4. 在美国境内开发和 / 或可访问的软件或服务的功能中使用移动应用程序的组成代码、功能或服务。

任何其他与 WeChat 或 TikTok 有关的禁止交易都可能在未来确定日期。如果美国政府判定 WeChat 或 TikTok 的被禁行为被其他应用程序以某种方式复制,超出了这些行政命令的范围,美国总统有权考虑是否需要额外的命令来解决此种活动。总统已经提出,TikTok 所带来的国家安全问题将在 11 月 12 日之前得到解决。如果是,本命令中的禁令可以解除。

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