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腾讯云 MySQL 8.0 日前正式发布。在全新引擎的驱动下,在 MySQL 官方版本提升性能的基础上,腾讯云 MySQL8.0 数据库通过优化锁系统,事务系统等模块,进一步提升性能,使得 QPS 达到 70w+。

tencent MySQL 8.0

  在当前新基建战略推动下,无论是政府、企业,还是其他组织机构都加快了上云的步伐,对云服务的高并发、高性能、高可用、高安全等要求也越来越高。腾讯云数据库 MySQL 8.0 的内核可以百分百完全兼容主流 MySQL 分支。同时,腾讯云数据库 MySQL 版(CDB) 还提供热备、冷备、跨可用区切换三重容灾体系,确保服务可用、数据不丢失。此外,还提供企业级的监控、备份回档、安全加密、弹性、审计、智能诊断优化等一系列便捷的数据库管理服务,使用户可以专注于业务的开发。

  在专有云层面,腾讯云 MySQL 8.0 目前已应用于腾讯专有云 TCE、腾讯云 TStack、以及腾讯云金融级数据库 TDSQL 等,通过适配国产软硬件生态、资源混合部署、海量运维经验输出以及分布式能力扩展,为用户提供完善的解决方案。

  比如,腾讯云 MySQL 8.0 除了适配鲲鹏、飞腾等国产芯片以及统信 UOS、中标麒麟等国产系统之外,同时还适配了专有云的部署能力。用户通过 3 台服务器即可搭建一套 MySQL 系的云数据库服务,而且 MySQL 系的“MySQL、MariaDB、分布式数据库 TDSQL”可混合部署在同一集群。

  腾讯云表示 MySQL 8.0 将为电商、游戏、金融等行业带来更简化的业务开发模式、更安全的数据库管理服务、更丰富的应用场景。



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2.解压后放入xcode的 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport 目录中(没有对应版本的新建文件夹),如图
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3.重启xcode( 如果重启Xcode依然无法运行则重启手机就可以了)


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  在演讲中,苹果 CEO 蒂姆-库克(Tim Cook)称这是 "Mac 历史性的一天",同时详细介绍了 Mac 系列从 PowerPC、OS X 10 以及转向英特尔芯片的过渡,然后公布了未来在 Mac 中使用苹果自己的 ARM 驱动芯片的计划。

  苹果表示,将在今年年底发布首款采用苹果芯片的 Mac,预计过渡期需要两年时间。同时由于新的英特尔驱动的 Mac 还在酝酿中,所以苹果目前还没有完全转向基于 ARM 的 Mac。

apple MAC


  作为我们日常使用都不陌生的办公套件,微软也正在为新的 Mac 芯片优化 Office 套件的运行性能:Word 和 Excel 已经在新的 Mac 处理器上原生运行,PowerPoint 甚至还能使用苹果的 Metal 技术进行渲染。

  此外,苹果也一直在与 Adobe 合作,让专业创作应用可以在新芯片上运行。苹果在 WWDC 演讲中演示了 Lightroom 和 Photoshop 在新 Mac 上的运行,可以看出动画效果相当流畅。

  新版本 macOS Big Sur 中,还将原生包含一个新版本的 Rosetta 虚拟机。这意味着即使应用开发者没有完全更新其应用,也应该可以正常运行无需修改,只不过性能上就会有不少差距了。

  苹果还正在为应用开发者推出一个新的 "快速启动 "计划:苹果提供开发文档和示例代码,帮助现有的 Mac 应用过渡到苹果自研的芯片平台;开发者还可以获得一个开发者过渡套件,该套件由一台 Mac Mini 和 16GB 内存、512GB SSD 等桌面级配置组成。

  同时,由于采用了相同的架构,其搭载苹果自家研发芯片的新款 Mac 将能够原生运行 iPhone 和 iPad 应用。

  新的应用将直接从 Mac App Store 安装,同时和桌面版 App 一样,多个 iOS 应用能够与 macOS 应用并排运行。

my country's high-speed maglev research and development made important new breakthroughs The 600 km/h high-speed maglev test prototype developed by CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd. was successfully tested on the maglev test line of Shanghai Tongji University this morning. The development of a high-speed maglev transportation system at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour is a key special topic of the "Advanced Rail Transit" national key research and development plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The project is organized by CRRC and CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd. is responsible for bringing together the domestic high-speed rail and maglev resources, and collaborating with more than 30 companies, universities, and research institutes to tackle the key issues of high-speed maglev core technology. The intellectual property rights high-speed maglev engineering system with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour has formed China's high-speed maglev industrialization capability. Since the project started in July 2016, after nearly four years of scientific and technological research, the project team broke through the key core technology of the high-speed maglev series and successfully developed a test sample vehicle. After ground debugging and static testing, the vehicle entered the line dynamic operation test. The first test run.

According to Ding Sansan, the person in charge of the subject of high-speed maglev and deputy chief engineer of CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd., high-speed maglev is a strong coupling system including four major systems including vehicles, traction power supply, operation control communication, and line and track. It can initially verify the interface relationship and coupling characteristics between high-speed maglev systems under dynamic conditions, providing support for the verification and optimization of key performance of the system and core components.

   CRRC Sifang and Tongji University and other research units carried out the test. On the maglev test line, the test sample car was tested for the first time in joint system, and carried out dynamic operation tests under various working conditions, including different track beams and turnouts, small curves, ramps, zone switching, etc., and completed more than 200 seven major projects This project has conducted comprehensive tests on key performances such as suspension guidance, speed measurement positioning, vehicle-rail coupling, ground traction, and vehicle-ground communication.

   "Under the conditions of multi-operating test conditions, the vehicle's suspension guidance is stable and the operating condition is good. The key technical indicators meet the design requirements and meet the design expectations." Ding Sansan said.

The successful trial run of the test prototype achieved a breakthrough from static to dynamic operation, and obtained a large amount of key data. The key performance of the high-speed maglev system and core components was initially verified, which provided for the development and optimization of the subsequent high-speed maglev engineering prototype. Important technical support.

   According to reports, the research and development of the high-speed maglev project is progressing smoothly, and the development of five marshalling engineering prototypes is also steadily advancing. According to the plan, the prototype system of the high-speed maglev project with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour is expected to be rolled out by the end of 2020, and a full set of high-speed maglev technology and engineering capabilities will be formed. In the future, through the construction of a high-speed maglev demonstration project and related operations such as 600km/h line operation, this technology can promote the continuous innovation and industrialization of the technology, and promote the upgrading of my country's high-end equipment manufacturing and the development of strategic emerging industries.

   As an emerging high-speed transportation mode, high-speed maglev has the advantages of high speed, fast, safe and reliable, strong transportation, comfortable and punctual, green and environmental protection, and low maintenance costs. It has a variety of application scenarios, and can be used for long-distance transportation, that is, "corridor" traffic, forming high-speed corridors between large hub cities or urban agglomerations, promoting inter-regional collaborative development; and suitable for short- and medium-distance passenger transportation, that is, "commuting" ", "Urbanization" transportation, used for commuting in big cities or intercity connection of neighboring cities in urban agglomerations, creating a half-hour to 1-hour economic circle, and promoting the development of "integration" and "co-urbanization" of metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations .

   600 km/h high-speed maglev fills the speed gap between high-speed rail and air transportation, and can form a more reasonable, efficient, flexible and convenient multi-dimensional transportation structure for aviation, high-speed rail, high-speed maglev and urban traffic, to meet the needs of different people. In 2019, high-speed maglev was included in the national "Outline of the Construction of a Powerful Transportation Country" as a frontier key technology. The development of a high-speed maglev transportation system at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour will become an important supplement to China's high-speed transportation, help the implementation and promotion of the strategy of a powerful transportation country, and enrich China's modern comprehensive transportation system to achieve the continuous leading of China's rail transportation technology and seize international competition. The strategic commanding height has great and far-reaching significance.







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