麒麟软件、技徳系统团队经过努力攻关,将麒麟操作系统与移动 App 深度融合,打造了一款完全原生、高兼容性的安卓运行环境 Kydroid 3.0,囊括了日常所需的上万款移动端 App,可以在 Linux 桌面上直接流畅使用。

Kydroid 3.0

  每一套运行在鲲鹏或飞腾处理器上的麒麟操作系统,都预装了 Kydroid 3.0 基础版,默认支持数款资讯、社交、娱乐等常见移动应用,比如微信、QQ、学习强国、抖音、腾讯视频、爱奇艺、同花顺、保卫萝卜、王者荣耀等。


  Kydroid 3.0 可以直接在麒麟操作系统中启动并运行。点击“开始菜单”,打开“应用商店”,安装移动应用程序,安装完成之后就可以直接在麒麟操作系统桌面中启动,也可以通过开始菜单进行启动控制。

  对于行业用户,Kydroid 3.0 亦可让行业移动应用直接运行在麒麟操作系统之上,帮助用户解决自身原有业务软件迁移问题,大幅降低迁移时间和金钱成本。

  中芯国际今天正式登陆A股科创板,发行价格 27.46 元/股,开盘大涨 245.96%,市值破 6000 亿。


  中芯国际成立于 2000 年,主营业务从事集成电路晶圆代工业务,以及相关的设计服务与 IP 支持、光掩模制造、凸块加工及测试等配套服务。主要为客户提供 0.35 微米至 14 纳米多种技术节点、不同工艺平台的集成电路晶圆代工及配套服务。

  根据市场调研机构拓墣产业研究院统计,2020 年一季度全球十大晶圆代工厂营收排名中,中芯国际排名第五,占总市场份额 4.5%。

  7 月 13 日,中心国际发布首次公开发行股票并在科创板上市发行结果公告。公告显示,网上投资者缴款认购 5.05 亿股,弃购 49.1 万股,被网友形容“暴殄天物”。

On July 17, the Long March No. 5 Yao-4 carrier rocket completed the assembly test of the technical zone at the Wenchang Space Launch Site in China, and was vertically transferred to the launch area. It is planned to carry out China’s first Mars exploration mission from late July to early August. "Tianwen 1" probe.


   This is the fourth launch of the Long March V series rocket and the first applied launch.

Long March 5 Yao-4 rocket enters the launch site: Mars rover will be launched

   It is reported that the Long March No. 5 Yao-4 rocket arrived at the Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan at the end of May, and completed various preparations for final assembly and testing in accordance with the mission test launch process.

  At 8:00 a.m. on July 17, the mobile launch platform drove out of the vertical test plant, and after about 2 hours of steady driving, the Long March 5 Yao-4 rocket was safely transferred to the launch area.

  Follow-up, after completing the rocket function check and joint test work, and confirming the final state, the rocket will be filled with propellant, and the launch will be carried out as planned.

   China's first Mars exploration mission was approved in January 2016. The mission goal is to achieve Mars orbiting, landing, and patrol detection through a single launch, which will take the step of planetary exploration in my country.

   Previously stated that Tianwen 1 was tentatively launched on July 22.

Long March 5 is China's largest launch vehicle with the highest take-off mass, the thickest core diameter, and the strongest carrying capacity. The application rate of new technologies has reached 95%. It first flew on November 3, 2016, and the second time on July 2, 2017. The launch was unsuccessful, the satellite failed to orbit, and the go-around was successful on December 27, 2019.













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