

使用activated事件,被keep-alive 缓存的组件激活时调用

beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
  if (from.name == 'aaaa') { // 这个name是下一级页面的路由name
    to.meta.isBack = true; // 设置为true说明你是返回到这个页面

activated() { 
  console.log('被keep-alive 缓存的组件激活时调用')
  if (this.$route.meta.isBack) { 
    this.reInit(); //执行重新请求方法
  this.$route.meta.isBack = false



3 月 11 日消息 据网友投稿,微信 for Mac 现已面向部分内测用户发布,支持浏览朋友圈。

wechat beta

微信 for Mac 更新日志:
在 OS X 10.14 版本及以上系统支持深色模式

2 月份,微信电脑版发布了 3.2.1 测试版,为电脑版增添视频号的观看和直播功能,可以让主播使用 PC 发起直播,提供更为专业的设置。直播功能不仅支持电脑画面,而且支持苹果以及安卓手机屏幕的直播,支持多画面快速切换、麦克风降噪,方便主播使用专业麦克风、查看实时评论。

The increase in China's defense expenditure is not only a need to maintain its own security, but also a need to maintain world peace. Continuing to maintain a moderate and steady increase in defense spending is justified, reasonable and beyond reproach.

In an interview with the media on the 7th, Wu Qian, spokesperson for the PLA and Armed Police Force delegation at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, said that China’s defense expenditure will continue to maintain a moderate and steady growth in 2021, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year.

Ministry of National Defense

A reporter asked that the Chinese economy was the first to emerge from the shadow of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and achieve positive growth last year. How will the defense budget for this year be arranged?

Wu Qian said that 2020 is an extraordinary year in the history of New China. Facing the severe impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, under the joint efforts of the people of all ethnic groups across the country , The fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic has achieved major strategic results, and my country's economy has achieved positive growth.

Wu Qian said that the Chinese government adheres to the principle of coordinated development of national defense and economic construction, and reasonably determines the scale of defense expenditures. In recent years, in order to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, adapt to the needs of military reforms with Chinese characteristics, and better fulfill the international responsibilities of major powers, the Chinese government has maintained a reasonable and stable growth in defense expenditures and promoted national defense while sustained and healthy economic and social development. Strength and economic strength have increased simultaneously.

Wu Qian said that in 2021, the national budget for national defense expenditures will be 1,379.544 billion yuan (including 1,355,343 million yuan allocated by the central government), an increase of 6.8% over the previous year’s budget implementation. The increased defense expenditure is mainly used in the following aspects: first, to ensure the implementation of major projects and key projects in accordance with the "14th Five-Year Plan" plan for army building; second, to accelerate the upgrading of weapons and equipment, and to promote the modernization of weapons and equipment; Accelerate the transformation of military training, build a new military talent training system, and improve and perfect training guarantee conditions; fourth, to adapt to the country's economic and social development level, improve the life and welfare of officers and soldiers, and serve the grassroots construction of the army.

Wu Qian said that a strong country must have a strong army, and a strong army can lead to national security. National defense is as important as sunlight and air, benefiting without realizing it, losing it is hard to survive. At present, the instability and uncertainty facing international security have become more prominent. The new crown pneumonia epidemic is raging around the world, hegemonism, power politics, and unilateralism are on the rise from time to time, regional conflicts and local wars continue, and the international security system and order are under attack. The risks and challenges facing my country’s homeland security cannot be ignored. Land border disputes have not yet been completely resolved, island territorial issues and maritime delimitation disputes still exist; the DPP authorities stubbornly adhere to the separatist stand of "Taiwan independence", which is the biggest real threat to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. In view of the current complex situation, it can be said that the world is not peaceful, and national defense must be strong.

Wu Qian said that at the same time, the international community has more expectations for the Chinese military to provide public security products. In recent years, our military has actively participated in UN peacekeeping operations, normalized naval escorts, and carried out humanitarian relief operations, and has won wide acclaim from the international community. Especially since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, the Chinese military has provided support and assistance to the international community through vaccine assistance and dispatch of expert teams. History has and will continue to prove that the Chinese military has always been a staunch force for safeguarding world peace. The increase in China's defense expenditure is not only a need to maintain its own security, but also a need to maintain world peace. Continuing to maintain a moderate and steady increase in defense spending is justified, reasonable and beyond reproach.

在近日召开的一场线上活动期间,谷歌正式宣布了 Flutter 2 的推出。作为一款用于构建轻巧型移动应用的开源 UI 工具包,Flutter 的第二个大版本增加了对桌面和 Web 应用程序的支持。开发者可借助 Flutter 2 打造开箱即用的应用程序,并且能够为 iOS、Android、Windows、macOS、Linux 和 Web 端套用相同的代码。

Flutter 2.0 released

  Flutter 产品负责人 Tim Sneath 表示:“版本号的大提升,主要归于对 Web 和桌面应用程序的支持。作为一个相当深远的支点,突然拥有如此广泛的产品特性,也是相当罕见的”。

  得益于开放源代码的性质,Flutter 已经在 Web 和桌面应用程序的支持上公开测试了有段时间,所以我们对今日的公告也并不感到意外。

 在做好了相关准备、以及达成性能目标后,Flutter 2.0 大版本的到来也是水到渠成。

  需要指出的是,Flutter 的桌面应用程序支持仍处于相对早期的阶段,但 Web 支持已经从 Beta 测试顺利转正。

  开发团队表示,Flutter 2.0 有意为 Web 平台提供了非常标准的、以 DOM 为中心的开发方式。尽管效果不错,这么做也可能带来性能方面的阻碍(尤其是更高级的功能)。

  过去大约一年时间里,Flutter 团队开始研究基于 WebAssembly 的 Canvas Kit 项目,特点是采用了与为 Android / Chrome 提供支撑的相同的 Skia 图形引擎。

  Tim Sneath 表示:“这意味着我们现在基本上可以绕过核心 HTML,并真正使用 Web 平台上以应用程序为中心的部分,而不会留下(自动完成的)文字或密码、以及让网络保持独特状态的各项特性”。

  桌面平台方面,谷歌宣布 Canonical 将在 Flutter 上全力以赴,并使之成为所有未来桌面 / 移动应用程序的默认选项。


  谷歌指出,截止目前,其已迎来包括亚马逊、微软、Adobe、华为、阿里巴巴、eBay、Square 等公司贡献的超过 1.5 万个 Flutter / Dart 软件包。

  展望未来,Flutter 团队还将继续为嵌入式设备和其它非传统平台框架提供支持,且该公司对 Flutter 如何帮助增强环境计算体验一事颇有兴趣。


一键格式化代碼: Ctrl+Alt+L
查看历史剪切板:Command + Shift + V


ctrl+g 跳转到第几行
ctrl+F 查找
ctrl+R 替换
双SHIFT 查找任意文件
Ctrl+SHIFT+R 查找任意的文本出现的地方

自动删除类中无用的import包 Ctrl + Alt + O
CTRL+N 查找文件
ctrl+Y 删除行
F9 走完
ctrl+z ctrl+shift+z是撤销 反撤销
alter+enter 错误提示解决

ctrl+E 弹出一个菜单,上面包含最近打开的文件和工具窗
ctrl+alt+方向键 在IDEA中可以使用快捷键返回,默认是
F11 添加书签 bootMark
shift+f6 文件重命名
alt+a 选中翻译(安装了一个翻译插件)
idea将鼠标定位到上次编辑的位置 Ctrl + Alt + left(right)
alt+7 查看类的结果方法
ctrl+shift+K git push项目内容到远程分支 (点击项目,右键,git-->提交)

Commonly used shortcut keys

Ctrl+D,复制行 CTRL+C
ALT+INSERT 添加到favorltis
Ctrl+Alt+左键 进入方法实现类

psvm 输出main方法

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