
3 月 1 日消息 据 BetaNews 报道,Linux Lite 5.4 RC1(候选发布版)于今日正式发布。Lite 5.4 基于 Ubuntu 20.04.2,使用 Linux 内核 5.4.0-66,但也有其他内核可供选择。

由于 Windows 7 不再受到支持,用户们陷入了一个难题:必须决定是冒着风险使用没有微软安全支持的 Windows 7,还是升级到消耗设备资源更大的 Windows 10。事实证明依然有大量用户坚守旧系统。不过现在还有一个更好的选择:把操作系统换成 Linux 即可。基于 Linux 的操作系统将能够获得足够的安全和驱动支持,而且大多数系统在老旧硬件上也能运行得很好。

而今天发行的 Linux Lite 就是 Windows 切换到 Linux 的用户最适合的 Linux 发行版之一,因为它是轻量且现代化的一款发行版 Linux,最重要的是,大部分用户都能非常容易上手。

Linux Lite 5.4 RC1

这款 Linux Lite 的新版本附带了一些常用的的软件包,比如 Firefox 85.0.1、 Thunderbird 78.10.0、 LibreOffice、 VLC 和 GIMP 2.10.18。另外它的美观性也做得不错,它使用了 Adapta windows 主题,Papirus 图标和 Papirus 字体,还自带十张壁纸。



近日, 由工信部电子信息司和装备工业一司主办的汽车半导体供需对接专题研讨会现在正在召开。



他认为,电动化、网联化、智能化已成为汽车产业的发展潮流和趋势,半导体是支撑汽车 “三化”升级的关键。


据悉,工信部指导中国汽车芯片产业创新战略联盟等机构于 2020 年 6 月启动了《汽车半导体供需对接手册》编制工作,调研了产业链半导体企业、汽车企业与零部件厂商近 120 家,广泛征求了汽车产业和半导体产业的意见和建议编制《手册》。

《汽车半导体供需对接手册》收录了 59 家半导体企业的 568 款产品,覆盖计算芯片、控制芯片、功率芯片等 10 大类,还收录了 26 家汽车及零部件企业的 1000 条产品需求信息。

According to the website of the State Drug Administration today, the State Drug Administration has conditionally approved the new crown vaccine registration applications of Cansino Biotech Co., Ltd. and Sinopharm Zhongsheng Wuhan Company. It is reported that the team of Academician Chen Wei of the Academy of Military Medicine of the Academy of Military Sciences and Kansino Biosciences jointly developed a recombinant new coronavirus vaccine (type 5 adenovirus vector). According to the news, the vaccine only needs one shot.

new crown vaccine

According to the website of the National Medical Products Administration, the vaccine is the first domestically-made adenovirus vector new coronavirus vaccine approved and is suitable for preventing the disease (COVID-19) caused by the new coronavirus infection.

new crown vaccine

According to the relevant provisions of the "Vaccine Administration Law" and "Drug Administration Law", the State Food and Drug Administration conducts emergency review and approval in accordance with the special drug approval procedures, and approves the application for listing registration with conditions. The State Food and Drug Administration requires the vaccine marketing license holder to continue to carry out relevant research work, complete the conditional requirements, and submit follow-up research results in a timely manner.

On February 24, news was learned from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation that at 10:22 today, the Long March 4 C carrier rocket was ignited and lifted off at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center of my country, and successfully deployed Remote Sensing No. 31 Group 03 by "one arrow and three stars". The satellite was sent into a predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success.

This mission is the 361st flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

One arrow three stars

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation stated that the remote sensing 31st group of satellites was developed by Dongfanghong Satellite Co., Ltd., the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and is mainly used for electromagnetic environment detection and related technical tests.

The Long March 4C launch vehicle is a normal temperature liquid three-stage launch vehicle developed by the Eighth Academy of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group. It has the ability to launch multiple types of satellites with different orbital requirements.

据 WindowsLatest 报道,根据多个代码提交,谷歌正在开发 “PartitionAlloc-everywhere”功能,以提高 Chrome 浏览器在 Windows 10、Android、Linux 以及可能的其他平台上的性能。


Chrome 浏览器的 PartitionAlloc-everywhere 将允许浏览器更快地启动,更快地加载内部页面,并提供改进的资源管理(减少 RAM 使用)。

谷歌从去年开始研究这项功能,现在已经向 Android 和 Windows 版 Chrome 浏览器的测试通道中的用户推出。谷歌还将 PartitionAlloc 带到了 Linux 上,但目前问题重重,还不清楚什么时候会在稳定通道中启用。


除了 Windows 10 和 Linux,谷歌还在为 Android 测试 “PartitionAlloc-Everywhere”。根据谷歌的实验,这在内存、性能和稳定性方面都是更有利的,除了 GPU 进程足迹的中位数会有少量退步。

去年的更新也给 Chrome 性能带来了多年来的改进,这得益于许多底层的改进。和谷歌一样,微软也在探索降低 Edge 内存使用率的新思路。例如,Edge 最近更新了对睡眠标签的支持,其目的是在不丢失数据的情况下减少不活动标签的内存使用。

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