


华为出售荣耀 荣耀销量会怎样



11 月 10 日午间,路透社香港发布独家消息,华为将以 1000 亿人民币,约合 152 亿美元价格向手机分销商神州数码以及深圳市政府持股企业出售其荣耀手机业务。而神州数码 11 日回应称:目前与华为未就荣耀出售一事达成任何协议。

13 日,华为方面回应上述信息:“尚处于传闻阶段。”

16 日,媒体曝出,荣耀出售方案预计在 11 月 17 日早上正式宣布,由 30 多家供应链合作伙伴来共同接盘。

17 日早间,多家企业在《深圳特区报》发布联合声明,由深圳市智信新信息技术有限公司接盘荣耀。随后华为方面正式回应,并表示无奈出售荣耀,而华为此后也不再占有任何股份,同时不参与经营管理与决策。

HMD Global其功能手机家族的最新成员,这两款新手机分别是诺基亚6300 4G和诺基亚8000 4G,它们在规格和功能上有一些相似之处,包括搭载骁龙210芯片,512MB的内存,以及4GB内部存储空间,你可以通过microSD卡进行扩展。

诺基亚 6300 4G、诺基亚 8000 4G

诺基亚6300 4G在设计上从2007年的原版诺基亚6300身上汲取了一些灵感,但它经过了现代化的改造,更加适合现代人使用。搭载的KaiOS可以运行一些基本应用--包括WhatsApp等热门应用,而且它还支持谷歌助手,所以还是有一些智能体验。值得一提的是,它是诺基亚目前提供该功能集的最便宜的手机,平均零售价为49欧元(约合人民币382元)。


诺基亚8000 4G在规格上和诺基亚6300 4G非常相似,最大的区别在于设计上。它的正面面板边缘呈弧形,包括数字键也是如此,而背面则使用了“类似玻璃”的材质,让手机感觉更加高级。此外,它还有不同的颜色,更好地利用了这种设计。

规格方面,唯一的区别是显示屏,诺基亚8000 4G搭载了2.8英寸显示屏,以及后置200万像素摄像头。其他一切都大同小异。

约 382 元起,诺基亚 6300 4G、诺基亚 8000 4G 正式发布:搭载骁龙 210,512MB 内存

这两款手机从今天起在部分市场上市。诺基亚6300 4G有青绿色、浅炭色和粉白色三种颜色,平均价格为49欧元。诺基亚8000 4G有缟玛瑙、蛋白石、黄水晶和黄玉色可选,价格为79欧元(约合人民币616元)。

TSMC plans to start construction in February next year, formally install 5nm for trial production in 2023, and mass production in 2024. TSMC finalized the two generals, Lin Tinghuang, the director of the 15A plant of the Zhongke plant, and Wu Yihuang, the senior director of the technical department, to be responsible for the construction and operation of the plant.

TSMC's US plant construction progress

TSMC’s supply chain revealed that TSMC’s U.S. plant construction plan has been carried out as planned. Currently, it has targeted 5nm advanced process equipment. Which ones will be moved by the Nanke plant and which ones will decide to purchase more. Compare the list with the equipment manufacturers one by one, and require List the delivery dates; the relevant chemical suppliers also indicated that they have cooperated with TSMC's requirements and have already started the relevant factory setting operations.

TSMC's US plant is located in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona, only about an hour's drive from the Intel plant, and the transportation is relatively convenient.

In May of this year, TSMC announced that it intends to build and operate an advanced wafer fab in the United States with the common understanding and commitment of the US federal government and Arizona.

TSMC said that the plant to be set up in Arizona will use the company's 5nm process technology to produce semiconductor chips, with a planned monthly production capacity of 20,000 wafers. From 2021 to 2029, TSMC’s expenditures (including capital expenditures) on this project are approximately US$12 billion.

TSMC currently has a fab in Camas, Washington, and design centers in Austin, Texas, and San Jose, California.

Founded in 1987, TSMC is the world's largest foundry semiconductor manufacturing plant. Its customers include Apple, Qualcomm, Nvidia and so on.

1.SpringBoot公众号业务 引入依赖

<!--Spring Boot 实现的公众号 Demo(支持多公众号) https://github.com/Wechat-Group/WxJava/blob/develop/demo.md -->


2.测试代码 Hello World

public class WechatContraller {

    private WxMpService wxMpService;
    private WxMpConfigStorage wxMpConfigStorage;

    public String hello( HttpServletRequest request){
        try {
            String accessToken = wxMpService.getAccessToken();
            String oauthUrl = wxMpService.getOAuth2Service().buildAuthorizationUrl("http://redir", WxConsts.OAuth2Scope.SNSAPI_BASE,"0");
        }catch (Exception e){
        return "Hi";




核心是private WxMpService wxMpService 和WxMpConfigStorage wxMpConfigStorage 这两个类。 使用起来非常方便,对常量及各种接口都进行了封装,包括accessToken的缓存等等。建议查看源代码,了解各种实现。



   Dr. Wang Chenglu, President of Huawei’s Consumer Business Software Department, recently revealed that the adaptation of the mobile version of Hongmeng OS 2.0 is progressing very well, and R&D is ready, and it is expected to be released as scheduled in December.

   He also said: "At that time, I hope that the majority of developers and friends can participate together, work together and build the Hongmeng ecosystem."

   According to the latest exposure of the digital blogger, the mobile phone Hongmeng OS 2.0 has been tentatively scheduled to open the Beta test version on December 18, and will provide upgrade channels for some mobile phone users in January and February next year, and there will be a few months of preliminary Upgrade verification, and then fully open the upgrade.

Hongmeng OS 2.0

   Obviously, Huawei is very cautious in upgrading the mobile phone Hongmeng OS. After all, such a disruptive change cannot tolerate any mistakes. It must be done slowly. Everyone must be patient and wait slowly. Maybe it will be this time next year. Complete a comprehensive replacement on Huawei phones.

   Wang Chenglu also revealed that more than 90% of Huawei models currently on the market will be upgraded to Hongmeng.

   It is reported that as early as May 2016, Huawei decided to build the Hongmeng system internally, and laid out the possible directions of the future market and technology. The core innovation is to treat individual IoT devices as different modules, and then proceed Connected because it is an operating system developed for the Internet of Everything.

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