








On the afternoon of October 29, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference. The Director of the Ministry of National Defense Information Bureau and spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Colonel Wu Qian, answered questions from reporters.

Reporter: Some media recently reported that in order to deter "Taiwan independence," the People's Liberation Army has made new moves. The J-20 fighter plane appeared at Zhejiang Quzhou Airport, only 500 kilometers away from Taiwan, and the Dongfeng-17 hypersonic missile was deployed along the southeast coast. Please confirm and comment.

Ability is always there, and determination is unwavering

Wu Qian: The specific deployment location of weapons and equipment is related to military secrets, but what I can tell you is that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has always been able to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and defeat any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, and its will is unwavering. . Here, I want to warn those "Taiwan independence" separatists that there is no way out for confrontation, and the use of force to plot "independence" is a dead end. Don't try to be a car with a praying man's arm, otherwise you can only kill yourself.

On October 26, Kylin Software announced that the Galaxy Kylin operating system V10 has opened product trial applications and downloads.

Galaxy Kylin operating system is mainly for government, enterprise and industry customers. Individual users can also apply for the experience on the official website at http://www.ubuntukylin.com

Three products were launched in this trial. Among them, Galaxy Kirin desktop operating system V10 and Galaxy Kirin advanced server operating system V10 launched six versions respectively: Feiteng, Kunpeng, Loongson, Shenwei, Haiguang and Zhaoxin, and Galaxy Kirin desktop operating system V10 .1 introduced the AMD64 version.

  According to the official introduction, after more than 30 years of research and development and product upgrades, the new generation of Kirin operating system has not only greatly improved the overall performance, but also realized important new features such as mobile application compatibility and cloud native support.

Galaxy Kylin operating system V10

  Kylin operating system V10 can boot up in more than 10 seconds. The system is fully compatible with Android applications. It integrates nearly 3,500 small programs in 11 categories including office, graphics, engineering, and education.

Just a few days ago, Kylin Software officially released the Ubuntu Kylin 20.10 version, which is also one of the official derivatives of Ubuntu. It is equipped with the latest Linux 5.8 kernel, UKUI 3.0 desktop environment by default, with a new layout of taskbar and sidebar, and new Kylin Application software such as scanning, Kirin burning, Kirin screenshot, Kirin application installer, support touch screen gesture function, global theme switching of system components, and fix a lot of problems in the start menu, file manager, control panel, etc., providing more efficient and stable use Experience.

  如今的 SSD 市场上,品牌林立,而在其中,国产品牌占据了非常重要的位置,尤其是随着国产化主控方案、闪存芯片的成熟,纯国产的 SSD 正越来越多地出现在我们身边。

  近日,国产存储新品牌“龟甲”(Turtle Armor)在西安正式诞生,进军高端消费级存储市场,铠侠电子、长江存储、群联电子、国科微等多家在业内举足轻重的合作厂商集体捧场。

全新国产 SSD


  江苏芯盛(XITC)旗下业务以固态硬盘芯片与成品技术为主,存储系统与安全解决方案为辅,经过十余年的发展,已经拥有自研发、测试及制造等全面能力,尤其在 PCIe SSD 主控芯片、分布式存储系统方面有独特建树,已成为国内 SSD 主控芯片领导者之一,也是国内拥有 SSD 主控芯片大规模量产经验的主要厂家之一,并拥有自己的工厂。






  皮申强调,龟甲只会用一线大厂的原封闪存颗粒,而除了 SSD,今后还会做移动存储,做U盘,都是如此,即便是不同等级的产品,也只会用特殊规格的颗粒,原厂原封的性质不会变的。


  目前已量产的主要是 SATA 主控,其中XT6111面向入门级,无缓存,40nm 工艺,四通道 4CE,支最大支持 1TB TLC 闪存;XT6110面向主流,增加支持独立缓存,四通道 8CE,最大容量 4TB。

  它们将分别进化为XT6121、XT6120,明年第三季度投入量产,采用最新的 12nm 工艺,分别支持双通道 8CE、八通道 4CE,可搭配 TLC、QLC 闪存,最大容量分别为 2TB、8TB。

  PCIe 主控方面,今年第四季度将量产两款方案,一是主流的XLTC2311LT,28nm 工艺,四通道 8CE,支持 PCIe 3.0 x4、NVMe 1.3,无缓存,最大 2TB TLC/QLC,而是高端的XLTC2133,加入缓存支持,最大闪存 8TB。

  之后,芯盛将进入 PCIe 4.0 的时代,主流定位的是XLTC2312LT,12nm 工艺,四通道 4CE,支持 PCIe 4.0 x4、NVMe 1.4,最大 4TB TLC/QLC,明年第二季度量产,高端则是XLTC2312,八通道 4CE,支持缓存,最大 16TB TLC/QLC,明年第三季度量产。

  同时,芯盛还在研发 PCIe 5.0 主控方案,型号XLTC2313,支持 PCIe 5.0 x4、NVMe 2.0,并采用全新的 7nm 工艺,支持 16 通道 4CE,最大 32TB TLC/QLC。

  此外,芯盛还在研发 UFS 主控等嵌入式解决方案。


  一是NANDXtra 3.0,包括智能损耗均衡策略、RAID+ 引擎、LDPC 纠错;

  二是NANDSafe 3.0,包括密码算法引擎、身份鉴别、固件安全控制、数据加密存储保护和数据解密读取;

  三是StorageBox 2.0,包括数据管理、数据服务、远程集群管理。

  目前,芯盛已经拥有完整的存储布局,包括成品与解决方案、固件平台、芯片平台,以及铠侠电子、长江存储的核心支撑,12nm SATA 3.0、12nm PCIe 4.0、7nm PCIe 5.0 等都正在规划研发中。

  龟甲 SSD 的首发产品是T3000 NVMe PCIe 系列,M.2 2280 形态,精选原厂原片闪存,单面容量最大 2TB,双面最大 4TB,持续读写速度最高可达 3.4GB/s、3.2GB/s,提供 5 年质保,最大数据写入量达 6000TBW。

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